Series named Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series in recognition of decades of service
Hill College
Monday, March 26, 2018 2:36 PM
Performing Arts
Hillsboro, TX
After 43 years of service, Hill College Music Program Coordinator and Instructor Phillip Lowe has announced his retirement.
Lowe was the director of bands for 38 years, founder of the Hill College Hood’s Texas Brigade Brass Band in 1982, music instructor/coordinator of visual & performing arts, and administrator of the Hill College Performing Arts Series and the Alden J. Blanar Smith Speaker Series.
“I truly love what I do and the opportunity to work with students and see them develop and succeed in their careers,” said Lowe. “I’m also fortunate to have had good health, and I look forward to hopefully having even more years to travel with my wife of 45 years and see our two lovely granddaughters grow up to be the beautiful successful ladies they already are. Being a grandfather is probably my greatest joy.”
In 1993, Lowe began The Performing Arts Series at Hill College. The Series presents four to six programs per year to students, faculty, staff, and the community. These free-admission programs bring outstanding performing artists of all genres to Hillsboro each year and, in addition to the concerts, allows for those in attendance to interact with the artists at the receptions which follow each event.
At the final performance of the 2017-18 Series, Hill College President Dr. Pam Boehm recognized Lowe’s achievements and named the Series the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series.